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a take-off on an ad for cigarettes marketed to women

Talking about products marketed specifically to women (we weren't? Well, we are now), I was wondering if someone could help me understand a TV ad. It's, obviously, shown here, but I think it must be international since the scenes and actors are generic rather than particularly Indonesian and the commentary is in English. We see scenes showing that various things that used to be particular to women (fashion, facials, and jewellery) are now indulged in by men as well. But now this company (I think it's Nokia but I'm so bemused by the ad that the name of the product completely passes me by) has produced a handphone specifically for women.

And I'm sitting there thinking, why? Do women use handphones differently from men? Is the space between their ears and their mouths markedly different? The handphones look much the same as any others. If they have special features which women would find more useful or desirable it's not mentioned.

Has anyone else seen this ad, and if they understand it could they let me in on the secret?

