I can't say I've ever come across a Latin equivalent for the "Sense of Impending Doom" either, though it's always been on the paradigm list for heart attack, along with the "crushing chest pain" (sometimes called "elephant sitting on my chest"), drenching sweats, nausea, and radiation to left shoulder and/or arm.

It seems anomalous, since all things medical seem to have a Latin name (unless it's a Greek one) from before we thought we had an understanding of what was going on . All we could do was describe it and give it a fancy name.

Conceivably that part of the syndrome wasn't recognized until the Twentieth Century, when we had stopped glorifying Classical language so. Perhaps also it became more prevalent, as people were now indulging in industrial-strength smoking and overeating to the point of getting high cholesterols and diabetes on such a large scale for the first time. [All diseases of affluence and longevity (among other causes, of course) unfortunately...]