A small book of maps sat in the bottom of a box of books at a Borderlines Book store. She wondered what would become of her. Would she stay forever in this box, would she be thrown away? Or would someone find her and put her on a shelf in the bookstore whence she might hope to end up a cherished possession of some kind child?

The other books mocked her. "You're just too small. People want big coffee table books, not small maps. You're not even fit for the remainder table."

But one day an employee began searching through the box, muttering to himself, "I know I saw that book in here."

Almost before she knew it, the little book was on her way out the door, a gift receipt tucked inside her centerfold. Then she was wrapped in bright metallic Christmas paper, in total darkness, though she could smell the fresh pine scent of a Christmas tree. Early the next morning she heard squeals of delight, and suddenly the wrapping paper was torn away from her spine. A small voice yelled, "Mommy, Mommy, look what Santa brought. Maps! This is what I REALLY wanted for Christmas. Santa Claus DID read my mail."

And the little book, knowing she would forever be a cherished book instead of stuck away in a box forever, said to herself, "Free atlas, free atlas, Thank God Almighty I'm a free atlas."

This came to me in a dream early this morning, probalby because today is the day that I am free, retiring after more than 30 years. I'm looking forward to puttering around the house, getting it ready to put on the market, building some furniture, and last but not least spending a bit more time with my wonderful friends here on AWAD.

Happy New Year to all!

TEd, free at last!