I've been doing my own word-a-day via email for 10 years or so and get lots of words and referrals in return. about two or three years ago a subscriber mentioned AWAD to me and I subsequently linked to it from my web site. I've never been a subscriber (would be supererogatory since I take the link every day). a little over a year ago I was surprised to receive the following email:

Great collection of words you have at wwtfd. Please add me to your mailing
list. BTW, I've been running AWAD (A.Word.A.Day) for over five years. You
may find it interesting: http://www.wordsmith.org/awad

I only mention the latter because he claims over 300,000 subscribers in just five years, while I check in today with nearly 500! I guess one might conclude that AWAD is more... um... accessible than WWFTD.