Obviously the "n" word is offensive (think it was WO'N said this?)

but NOT "niggardly," tsuwm. One of my brothers used this word in a meeting and was blasted for being racist; but the word actually has no racist connotations.

niggard: n. & adj.
n. mean or stingy person
adj. archaic = NIGGARDLY [Middle English, alteration of earlier (obsolete) nigon, prob. of Scandinavian origin: compare NIGGLE]

niggardly: adj. & adv.
1. stingy, parsimonious
2. meagre, scanty
adv. in a stingy or meagre manner

niggle: v. & n.
v. 1. intr. be over-attentive to details. 2. intr. find fault in a petty way. 3. tr. informal irritate; nag pettily.
n. a trifling complaint or criticism; a worry or annoyance. [apparently of Scandinavian origin: compare Norwegian nigla]

niggling: adj.
1. troublesome or annoying in a petty way.
2. trifling or petty.

If only the thought police were merely niggling. Unfortunately, they have far too much power.