Well, that would be like John Wayne's walk, which, interestingly enough, he purposely developed somewhere in his late 20s for his screen persona...he never walked that way before then, and he didn't walk that way in real life (if you watch some of his earliest films, you'll see he doesn't walk like that)...but, through a process of repetition, it did finally creep into his casual stride to a degree. Who can forget his swan song stroll down the steps at his final appearance at the Oscars when he was being ravaged by the final stages of cancer? His signature stride was still evident then...whether he consciously employed it for that touching appearance, or it just came through, I guess we'll never know. But "physical hook" is as close as I can come to a proper name for a signature physical device like that...don't know if there is a proper show-biz or theatrical term for it (if there is, I can't recall it)...but we always just used to call (and I've always heard others say on bios, etc.) John Wayne's stride his "trademark walk".

Insel? if you're peeking in can you help us with this?