
These 'thoughts' going around in my head are pretty much exceptional - if you take the idea of the 'stream of consciousness', then these are just possible backgrounds. Of course I appreciate that most people are merely curious, and not in a judgemental way - it's human, and quite nice, to be interested in others.

Forget the nazi jerks - I think Jackie comes close to the truth - it can be depressing to see the inevitable categorisation (whether or not negative) to which you are subject once people have tried (and succeeded) in filing you in your particular pigeon-hole in their heads. Tall does not equal basketballplayer. Canadian does not equal "Eh" sayer! Indian does not equal woman suppressor. Yet, in all these cases, the stereotypes are 'sound' ones because they may represent the majority experience, or the most visible traits, of the groups concerned. I just find it irritating to be 'grouped'...

Most times, in any case, the stereotype tends to dissolve - I haven't ever met anybody who completely conforms to a stereotype.


the sunshine warrior