I don't understand what you are angry about when you are asked about your people? I am very proud of being Canadian from Québec. When somebody asks about my people it doesn't upset me. Québecers often refer to themself as part of the peuple Québecois (Québec peoples). I am sure, by the tone of your post, that I must be missing something.

To continue with post...In Montreal, people from India are never refered to as Asians but Indians. Like 'of troy' the term Asian is often used to encompass people from Vietnam, China, Korea, Malasia. But when referring to one specific peoples the country of origin is used. We also tend to be very specific when referring to food/restaurants (Iranian, Spanish, French, Sechzuan, Malasian, Vietnamese, Jamaican, Haitian, etc). NOTE TO ALL WOULD BE TRAVELLERS...if you want to eat well, Montreal is THE place to visit. We have such a wide variety of restaurants of excellant quality. It is worth the trip just for that.