Dear FF: off the track a bit, but what you said about bullies reminded me of it. One of the worst
problems in all schools is the compulsion to keep the ones who are there only to make trouble.
Warehousing them so they can torment the motivated ones. One of the best things about the
highschool I went to was the speed with which they booted out any kid who would not behave.
The working conditions for the teachers were so good, that there were quite a few teachers who
had been offered college jobs and turned them down.
Now teachers have to take an awful lot of crap. A man I knew when i lived on the Cape got
enraged because shop teacher sent his son home for starting a tablesaw without permission,
and tore up to the school and punched out the teacher. And got away with it. And that is just
the worst of a string of horror stories I could tell. So bullies should be kicked out of school,
not warehoused to torment the motivated kids.