
On a similar note to Jackie's reply to Emanuela, I too admire you, Emanuela and all other non-English-speaking contributors to this board. I know I approached my first few postings with some trepidation, despite being an English speaker! Now I have a more relaxed what-the-hell attitude.

Just before I hit the Continue button to post this, I did a search on "dagnabbit" and found that Anna had already beaten me to the punch with a reply, and confirmed what I suspected. I don't want to waste all these precious characters that I've typed (would they go to the dead letter office if I deleted them?), so here's my say, anyway..[

I too learn a lot about words and expressions from other people's postings, but I would urge caution in your approach. As you probably realize by now, some of the words and expressions in use here are "made up", some are obscure references that not every one would understand, some are specific to a particular country (perhaps slang) and some are deliberate (or accidental?) misuse/mis-spelling of the "correct" word. I, for example, had never heard/seen the word "dagnabbit" in my life before Anna used it, and I suspect most of my circle of family/friends/acquaintances would look at me rather strangely if I used it.

Oh, and there's a big category here for jokes of all kinds, lots of puns, and many recurring themes or "in" jokes (i.e. only understood by one of the "group") - eg cycling fish. I guess once you understand all of them, you'll know you've "made it". You'll be doing better than I. You'll also be a little weird.