Hi Emanuela
I would like to respond to your message - since English is not my native language.
I too struggle with wanting to be perfect and speak English like all the rest. I use the board as a learning and note down phrases and words that the others have used, and use them myself. The other day during a very Indian occasion I said "Dagnabbit" (that Anna had used sometime), it sounded so odd and out of place. My one fear is to use what we call Indianism - constructions arising out of translation from Indian languages. One example is "Don't speak in the middle" for "Don't Interrupt". The question is what is perfect? It is relative, isn't it? French style of speaking English sounds perfect when the French speak it. Yes, it is frustrating not to have enough words to express oneself. That improves with more writing and speaking. As for being self-conscious - in a place where every one knows you it shouldn't really matter if a word is where it shouldn't be. You're absolutely right - the lack of language should not succeed in keeping the world and people away.