>active members

Its not too difficult to do a quick summary.

Here is a rather unscientific and inelegant version:
Select one of the discussion areas. Swipe mouse across to select body text in columns, copy. Paste into a spreadsheet ,eg Excel, delete extraneous detail, leaving only names of people making posting, delete all mentions after the second one, giving list.

Repeat operation for as many pages as you have time for, amalgamate and delete duplicates. The only problem is it took too long as it tried to copy and paste all the links too, i'm sure its easy to turn hyperlinks off (I know how to do it in Front Page but not sure if you can do it globally in Word or Excel). I'm too tired to try again but I'm sure its a dead easy job for one of you programmer types to work out a quick solution over a cup of Starbucks. (I'll let Anna off and anyone with windpowered Macs.)

PS just noticed have to adjust it for really old threads which have been brought to the top by a recent post, so may have to keep the date column so you can delete really old posts if only want recent ones. I'm sure someone will work out a more elegant solution.