'Least you didn't call me WeirdWind, Faldaged:

OK. I didn't make myself clear. I wrote that binturong is an easy word to spell. That's the only point I was making about binturong. If you look up its pronunciation, it's very straightforward:


If someone asked me to spell "BIN-too-Rong," I imagine I would spell it:


because that seems the most direct route into an animal spelling. For instance, the "ong" I would associate with earth syllables, such as prong, long (horns), and billabong. And the "bin" would make me think of something existing perhaps in the east or southeast Asia. After getting a definition, I would be pretty sure the spelling was binturong unless there were some unusual rule of which I wasn't aware.

That's why, Faldage, I wrote that I think binturong is an easy word to spell.

I certainly didn't mean that every dadburned word on earth you could come up with would be easy to spell correctly based on phonics.

Like this one, fer instance:
