We need a definition of "Art", here, I think.

At base level, anything that isn't "Natural" - i.e., produced by nature - is "Art".
If you accept that proposition, then the Turner Prize entries all qualify - as do the clothes I'm wearing, the chair I sit on, the desk I work at etc ad infinitum.

So, we need a more useful and usable definition.

How about this?

"Art" is the arrangement or re-arrangement of articles, natural or made, into a form that has no intrinsic use or purpose other than as decoration.

Judgement of the success of a piece of "Art" is, and always will be, subjective. HOwever, from society's point of view, some degree of consensus on the matter is, at the very least, desirable.
How many people have to agree that a piece of "Art" is good before it is acceptable for public display?