We don't have rude boys in Manchester, we have:
townies- sportswear wearing and chain pub frequenting mass marketites
scallies- the dodgier version
yonners- people from Oldham ( a town in Greater Manchester)
gees- gangsters or wannabees, usually drug runners
crusties- new age travellers that don't go anywhere, often environmentalists and political activists
hippies- a catch all for the alternative scene, which breaks down into goths, skaters, surfers, indie kids, giggers, skate punks, industrial, party heads, squatters, fetish, retro, and the ketamine kids.
junglists- part of the jungle scene
ravers- part of the dance scene, commercial
students ( the lowest of the low)
the massive- the community
punks- you know what punks are
and straights- everyone else