I love apostrophes!!

I've a huge appetite for 'em and learnin' when and where to use 'em mo' 'fectively.

Conjunctions 'n' possessives give me the thrills o' economy 'n' ownership.

I'd be sorry to let 'em go. Cain't imagine the world o' the paragraph without 'em. 'Sides, they be sech l'il Edit: li'l bitty ol' thin's what's represented by such a whopper o' a word.

They ain't restricted by region fo' they be country and they be O'Irish 'mongst other thin's.

L'il drops o' rain in the landscape o' sentences--that's a l'il Edit: li'l o' what they carryin' out 'cross the page.

B'sides: They give the pinky finger a workout.

B''t r'gards,