sorry, Vika, but this is crock!
Re:biological difference between the genders. And one of the differences is that male sex is “innovative” and female is “stabilising”.

yes, men have penises and woman vaginas.. but to say men are innovative and women stabilizing.. i want facts and figures.. because those 'qualities' are part of the social defination of men and women... not part of the biological differences.

its like the idea that in hunter gather society, woman sat around the camp fire and did the equivent of coffee clatching and baby sitting .. and men did the providing.

when real hunter gather societies were studied, low, it was noted that 80% of the calories in the diet came from womens 'gatherings' and a scant 20% from mens hunting. in other words, it was the woman who for the most part put the food on the table!-- the woman could survive (poorly admittedly) with out the men, but the men could not survive with out the women.

and then there is the myth of woman being 'stay at homes' and men going out an exploring the world.. only when you look at the DNA evidence as has been done in recent years, its clear woman tend to go off.. maybe because they marry out of there village, but what ever the reason, its woman who move, and men who stay at home..

a good deal of 'Science' about the sexes isn't science at all..

an other fallicy is about 'breeding habits' of things like mice and rabbits.. in a lab, a female mouse is dropped into a male mouses cage.. and the result is almost immediate attempt by the male to sexually mount her..

but in real live, many females (and more work has been done on large animals) don't just have breed with any male.. sometimes animals are in harem arrangements (ie horses) and some times matriarchies (ie elephants) but in most cases, females exhibbit some control over which males they breed with...
the lab experiments did not mimic nature, and the "knowledge" gained from them was non existant.

as for women being nurturing and kind, and men being blood thirsty, tell that to Medea's children.. Women warrior are known in many societies.. the irish are famous for them, (as were the Peoples of eastern asia, part of what is now souther siberia.)

and finally when men 'choose' marriage, they are expected to work harder at their careers, not to give them up.. and the opposite is true for womem..

lets not compare height or our grandmothers experiences.. no apples to oranges..

today, woman are expected to "provide the home life", by doing meals, cleaning, and childcare (free!) and if they don't, they risk social censure. after they have done these tasks, they are 'free' to do any career work they want.

Men are expected to put their careers first...and they risk public censure for taking on childcare.

this is not biology.
but its seem you'd have us think that is biological? that somehow, having sex, or getting pregnant 'ruins' a woman mind?
i know, it their hormones.. makes them unstable.. hysterical! yes, that it hysterical a woman's uterius makes her mind unfit!
you're the biologist.. show me how estrogin has this effect on the brain... and how testosterone is somehow improves the brains perfomance.. Can't can you? because it just isn't true!