Of troy,
if woman are equal, they have an equal chance at genius... there is not one norm for males of species, and other for females .
They are – should be, must be – equal in social sense, e.g. there is no reason why women can not have education, right to vote, right to be elected to the government etc. but there is not no point in denying biological difference between the genders. And one of the differences is that male sex is “innovative” and female is “stabilising”. Why most of the serial killers (I know only one exception) are men? Because men were selected by nature to be warriors so they are less sensitive to blood and terror of killing. There is nothing wrong with fewer bow to of troy women-geniuses if
women who are in science are quite bright, brighter than the average of the men in their class

When I saw the post by milum I though that I have an ally at last. But then I read

female bodies came smaller brains

oh, come on. The biological significance has the ratio of the weigh of the brain relative to the weight of the body. Is elephant smarter than chimpanzee? I believe the ratio Brain/Body W is the same for men and women.

In the USSR, engineering is also considered a masculine field, and engineer earn signifigantly more than doctors.
I don’t know the sourse of the data but AFAR the salary used to be approximately the same (~120 rubles) and to be a doctor has always been considered more prestigious than to be an engineer

That's the part I see as unfair. The men don't have to choose Bean
the life is never fair. I am just over 5 ft tall and Claudia Schiffer is 6 ft. is it fair?
i bet that our great grandmothers would say that their lives were unfair but we can change nothing about it. Men have their own choices. To marry – and be responsible for the life of the family or to stay bachelor (reminds me of Spinster & Bachelor thread) and enjoy thelife of a playboy.