sweetum's, i caught it first time round..
see above
but you are absolutely right, the error is in thinking that feminism is an intellectual issue. It is not. It is a social issue with no bounds in logic.

dab nabbit!if you are going to be so agreeable, i will have no excuse what so ever for making you melt away with a barrage of kisses..
i came across an idea in "engines of Innovation"- a NPR show that has all its transcripts on-line (thanks, Dr bill for the link!)
it pointed out that science (and to some degee related fields like engineering and medicine were effected) was closely allied with theology in the past.(the 14 to 16th centuries especially) and in that past theology, was exclusively a masculine domain. to be a scientist, was something akin to being a priest. there was not the clear seperation then, as there is now between science (knowledge) and theology (belief in god). (galileo first studied for the priesthood, but abandon it.)
think about it, galelio had to present his text on planitary motion to religious censors for approval. learning about the natural world was a way to learn about god... (and the continues today, creationism vs darwinism, as if science must still act in partnership with theology. it happened, too with the idea of anesteasia for childbirth too.. Medical breakthoughs were considered "immoral" since the bible said woman would "suffer through childbirth"...to ease a woman pain, was anti-theological. )

it has become less so, with the erosion of the influence of the catholic church, but the lingering remnants of the idea of scienctist being members of priesthood -- an all male priesthood at that, continue. it is not a simple social issue, but one that is bound up, in delicate ways with ones faith in god.
feminism isn't just changing social stucture, it is also about changing faith! Luther and his 97 thesies, are childs play compared to this! (many anti-feminist will still quote scripture about a woman place!)