re:All pronouns can be re-replaced with the noun they replaced, except the grump of a pronoun, "I"

well, as you pointed out, I can be replaced, i can say "Of troy has blond hair"-- but once i replace I with my name, I also have change the verb...

Using this form of address, (refering to yourself, using your own name and the third person verb form is illeitst.. (il eet ist) it sound like elitist! not just the word elitist, but speaking in this form sound like you consider your self elite! it sounds self centered, and egotistic.
(of course that is just my opinion!) the form is generally not used (and who knows, that too could change) because my opinion, is shared-- many think the style to be one used by self centered pompous idiots -- and in movies and television, this style is often employed as a short hand to learn a persons 'character'.

Can you use "Name (thirdperson verb)" and not be egotistic? Sure! but you're still going to sound that way!

i suppose once or twice in a live time, it is the clearest form, but for the most part, when talking about yourself, you use I.