well, here is one of my many educational failings.. Exactly what is the OBE (order of the british empire.. i think) but that really doesn't tell me much..

it is like the congressional medal of honor? that is the highest military award that can be given in US..but its limited (99% sure of this) to military, and given for valor.

i don't think we have a civilian award for valor or anything else (if you do something really good, we expect the media and market place to reward you..if it doesn't immediately, you write a book, or hit the lecture circut)

if it weren't for crosswords, i would be even less familiar with it. you can skip over the detail of how you got yours, (but i don't think a factual account would be bragging) but some one please, remedy my ignorence.

PS i was going to ask by Private message.. but you aren't accepting any. the reason was to hid lack, as much as not to put you on the spot.