Assigning an arbitrary meaning to something doesn't make it correct by redefinition. And quoting people with an insecure grasp of the language simply because they made their errors a long time ago and then conveniently died before we could beat up on them doesn't make them correct by redefinition, either!

The misuse of "try and" to mean "try to" is not a transpondial issue. I hear it from people from all over who claim to speak some flavour of the English language. Probably including me from time to time.

So I guess that eventually to say "I'll try and do something about it" will become the accepted and correct grammar and people who say "I'll try to do something about it" will be seen as merely old gits displaying an archaic usage which should be put down with a shovel. And then, of course, they will quoted by some future tsuwm in spurious support of the unsupportable!


The idiot also known as Capfka ...