no, eta, you have the spelling correct..i did try to look it up, but my dictionary was being most disagreeable, and the word was hiding.

i have always hated being told "look up the spelling in a dictionary" which, always has things in strict alphabetical order, and spelled correctly..

if i knew how to spell it, (ie the correct order of the letters) i wouldn't need to look it up..and if i don't know if it is i or e or maybe some silent letter stuck in there, or a double rr, or some other unexpected am i supposed to find it..

i have to make choices in my live.. or opt to do things.. or settle on something.. because i can never be sure if it deside or diside or dicide or decide, unless i have a really good spell checker at hand. i can't tell you how many times i have looked it up, but the pattern of letters has never established its self in my mind.

Aenigma is a dear, but useless!