there is a common house plant too, i think it is the prayer plant, its leaves become more upright, and pair up, (like praying hands...) when touched.

and the common rhododendron, acts as a thermometer. in the winter, they leaves tend to curl, (under) and become more vertical. the colder the day, the more they curl and drop into a vertical position... on really cold days, the shrub looks like it is festooned with green cigars, not leaves! (the plant does this to conserve water-with the ground frozen, it can't really take up more water, but with the cold, and wind, the leave can become desicated. the curling action reduces the surface. )

and there are the common sun flowers, and other sun flowers too.. coriopius, (a small golden daisy like perennial) and other similar flowers all turn to the sun, and move there head each day.