red pepper made a total of 8 posts over the weekend (last) and has dropped out... as a newbie, we can't expect him/her/(hos?) to know and understand the protocal here. and since they have stopped (for the moment) posting, lets cut some slack.

Red Pepper we prefer out humor a bit subtle... like the comment about going down on an escalator... your posting, well, might have been fine for a medical/health board, but really has nothing to do with words. see the difference? plays on words, even if slightly blue are fun, out and out posting are out of place.

and if you read the current threads you find others, even old timers, have been called to task this week for similar (albeit shorter, and less lascivous) posts of similar nature. we tend to be alternately be naught school kids and school marms... cutting up, and joking one minute, and being stern and correct the next.

there are no rules here... (that is, externally imposed ones!) but this is a very strict place! we all work to keep it focused on words, while enjoying them too!