Oh, for Pete's sake, it's just another bunch of extremists doing their thing! Sad, but almost inevitable. Indonesia has been boiling for damned years now, and probably only Bingley and the OzZilders on the Board would have noticed. Nobody with any sense has been going to Bali for months. The violence there has been escalating since early last year. It's probably only a matter of good luck that no group has decided to target tourists before now.

Indonesia has had religious riots in Java, in Sumatra, in Borneo, in fact, damned near everywhere. Did you know that the dominant religion in Bali is the Hindu faith? There are sectarian murders going on on almost a daily basis in Irian Jaya. West Timor is a dangerous place to be. I read that the army was probably involved in the bombing, and that is damned normal, too.

I'm sorry for the people who've been killed and their relatives, but the writing was on the wall for anyone to read. My wife's cousin and a friend of ours both decided against Bali as a holiday destination over the last year because of the unrest, although the other dangers - rampant tourism and bad water - should have been enough to put them off anyway. I'd be surprised that there were so many Singaporeans there except that they are probably nearly all expats, going by their names. There didn't appear to be any Chinese, Indian or Malay names among them. Singaporeans are normally very careful.

Sorry to appear so callous, but it annoys the bejeezus out of me that people deliberately put themselves in harm's way with their eyes wide shut!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...