Heavens, Faldage, far be it from me to denigrate the ability of English to handle verb tenses without the array of verb forms which other languages have and which, for that matter, Old English had. Modern English is probably just as good as Classical Greek for its ability to express ideas with precision, subtlety and color. It just uses different methods. These methods, however, do not lend themselves to being arranged in a nice neat table which can, with a lot of trouble, be memorized, the way we classical scholars had to memorize all those tables for Latin and Greek nouns and verbs. It is because of this that English is an easy language to learn up to a point but one of the world's most difficult languages to master. (Many native speakers never master it.) I'm sure it's the fact that it's relatively easy to learn up to a point which has made English the most popular second language on Earth and the nearest thing we have to a universal language.