EDIT--When I clicked on each link, then tried to go Back and make my comment--all my typing had vanished! I had to click Forward again, where my only option was, of course, to hit Continue and post the post. What gives?

This has been happening to me more often than not, here, lately. The only recourse, Jackie, seems to be to immediately copy your text and click over to continue before you click for links and quotes (the "continue" screen seems to hold-up for some reason). But as long as you copy your post right away, you can just paste it back into the edit screen if it vanishes. OR, post and go back and edit-in the additional material as you find it (but, of course, with this option there's a chance some folks will click-in and read your incomplete post before it's finished and edited for typos). As to why this is happening so frequently all of a sudden...I dunno. Happens when my cache is clean, too.