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The definitions given for
lunch are a mid-day meal or a light meal between two more substantial meals.

The mid-day meal part works for the geographical area I live in, but the "light meal" doesn't always work. I've gone out to lunches that have been substantial--and, yes, people do comment that the lunch was more of a "dinner." But they don't always comment that way.

Something else to point out about lunches. Many of the restaurants here offer "lunch menus." Say, for example, a Chinese restaurant. And usually the lunch menu items are less expensive that the "dinner" menus, and the portions are somewhat smaller. That would tie into the idea of lunch being a smaller meal that dinner or supper.

But not always! There are luncheon buffets--"Eat All You Want"--and, believe me, I've seen people pack away meals that would never be called "light." Well, they don't call 'em 'lunch buffets.' They're always billed as 'luncheon buffets.'