Do you all think simple writings are better than descriptive writings?
i don't think that there is a conflict between simple and descriptive. I think good writing can be both simple and descriptive.

Or is it just a style that you find as you write?

I always feel that if order for someone to see what you are describing you must be detailed.

Describe your hand to me..
is it small or large? are the fingers long and thin, or short and stubby? its well sinewed and muscular? or soft and flacid? does it have any tatoos or scars, or does it have smooth, soft supple skin? what about your finger nails? are they short or long? cut or bitten? manicured or ragged? can i see the half moons on your nailbed? and what about the shape of your nails? large and square? of rounded or oval? how about the palms? what about the lines on you hands? deep? are you hands stained from a job or vocations? do you have ink or paint or metals, embedded into your finger tips? hairy? or not noticible so? are there rings on your fingers?

and while i have phrased these as either/or questions, don't respond, or think of them as either/or.
could you describe your hands so well that i could come to know you by looking at your hands?

you might say there is nothing special about my hand(s), but that is not true.. and one or two words, make a big difference..
soft, mottled, crepe gave way to tight, thin stretched skin that could bearly contain the knarled hooked fingers. and you think of an old person, with arthitic fingers.. and even that poor sentence got change 3 times, and no soon than i post, i will think of better words to create the image.. and there it is: Write it again! and again, and again.. until you have it right.

and if not hands, something else, small but