Dear Julian, Hi! -

When speaking or writing have you ever searched for that one word that would perfectly convey the spirit and meaning of your thoughts and no other word would do? Well in the context of its usage "directment" was one of those words.

It is not surprising that you couldn't find "directment" in any dictionary. "Directment" is a "nonce word", a word of the moment, a word created to fill a need. A word that swims toward the future like a wiggle-tail male sperm cell hoping against hope to be fruitful and multiply until maybe one distant day the word "directment" will be the every other word out of everyone's mouth. Unfortunately, although many start out, few reach the egg.

Are all words then recorded in dictionaries? Of course not. Well then what determines that a word is a word?
Well on this board the rule of thumb is that a word becomes a word when Faldage says it is and uses it in a complete sentence.

We use to have another rule of thumb, tsuwm's rule of thumb. But paradoxically we found out that in order for a word to be so useless as to gain recognition on tswum's "Worthless Word of the Day" website it had to be recognized as being important enough to haven been put into someone's dictionary. This confused everybody, so now we just ask Faldage. Is this clear?

Directment: n. that which directs.
usage example. England* is the leading directment of the effete posture that...

Note: (*) = Post Edit to reflect a mouvement de retro that whines to carve the tired old terms of yesterday into the new bark of today.