Be prepared for the brilliant language of propaganda in all things related to India. My favourite is this: in 1857, as is well known, there was a great deal of armed conflict all over India, primarily between native Indians, and their White/British 'overlords'.

In the UK, this conflict has always been called The Great Indian Mutiny.

In Indian history textbooks, it is only ever referred to as The First War of Indian Independence.

Here's another name for the same event - The Sepoy Mutiny. The insurrection (neutral enough?) is of considerable interest to me, as it started in Meerut, the same city, where, 76 years later, my father was born. His grandfather came out with the British Army in 1859, so he may well have been part of a deployment in response to the "incident". I can't get away from the Raj, as the town where I live, Hastings, was settled around that time, and there are many street and town names redolent of that era - Simla (my Dad's father was fond of saying that in summer, a cigarette paper separated Simla from Hell), Lucknow, Warren, Clive, etc. With the passage of time, I have come to believe that my father's duskiness(the word seems to have a lovely Kiplingesque quality about it), and physiognomy cast grave doubt on his assertion that he has no ethnic ties to the Indian subcontinent - I suspect that all was not pukka in his family tree!