We had a brief exchange about the spelling of this word, parishioner, on the anagram thread (W & F) today. All of us felt the spelling was incorrect and I speculated it was simply an anachronistic usage that has since changed. But, lo and behold! A search on OneLook indicates parishioner is correct! Fourteen hits for this spelling, including all the major dictionaries. NOT ONE HIT for parishoner sans the second "i". (and I once considered myself an impeccable speller...sigh)

Is there a word for words like this that seem misspelled when actually correct?

Can anyone come up with other words that look wrong even though they're right?

I guess parishioner has some precedent in concert with the word fashion..any other -ion's after an sh- words?

Did -shion evolve onto -tion, or vice versa?...and, if so, why and when?