(from a "weird poetry" site)


We were partying at the graveyard
like we do every Saturday night
We were partying exceptionally hard
Drinking Mad Dog and Milwaukee Light
From out in the darkness we heard
Sounds from behind a tombstone
We thought it was just some birds
But who ever heard a bird moan?
The hideous creature approached us
It was all covered in blood
I then looked at my friend Gus
He ran but fell in the mud
The monster began walking toward me
But I couldn't move an inch
There were gaping holes in it's body
And it had a terrible stench
I saw a hatchet buried in it's head
It's clothes unfashionable and torn
It not only looked like it should be dead
It looked like it should've never been born
As the horrifying creature approached
I stood as brave as a chickenshit could
It reached and grabbed me by the throat
And said,"You know I don't feel so good
I've got worms crawling out of my head
and numerous wounds on my torso
I just found out that I am dead
But what hurts even more so
Is that people still drink Old Milwaukee
It makes me grateful that I am dead
Take a tip from a graveyard zombie
Drink Molson Golden Ale instead"

Haji O'Brien