I've always wondered - did you (sjm or CK or any other antipodean) have to study English (as in Britain) poems in school? And did you get all confused - or at least offended - when you read things like "May, sweet May" or poems about flowers in April or the loveliness of June? (Although from what I gather your winters may not be as wintry as those I know.)

I personally always found those confusing for a different reason, mostly because spring happens much later (and winter much earlier) where I come from. April is really nothing to scream about, for example - cold and muddy and not at all poem-worthy. And reading poems about brilliant fall colours is funny on the Prairies, where there are no maple trees and thus none of the brilliant reds that the rest of the country raves about, and puts on the flag.

Anyway, I'd love to read some antipodean poetry extolling the wonders of say, daffodils in September (if you have daffodils there), or hot December days, or the chills of late June, that sort of thing.