We had a lot of coverage of this word a few months ago, but I don't recall any attention
being paid to the etymology. The discussion from MW below, is not really clear.

One entry found for nosocomial.

Main Entry: nos·o·co·mi·al
Pronunciation: "nä-s&-'kO-mE-&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin nosocomium hospital, from Late Greek
nosokomeion, from Greek nosokomos one who tends the sick, from
nosos disease + -komos; akin to Greek kamnein to suffer, toil, Sanskrit
sAmyati he tires
Date: circa 1843
: originating or taking place in a hospital <nosocomial infection>

The word today is used to cover illnesses, particularly infection, acquired while
in the hospital, very often from aerosols containing bacteria, from unwashed hands,
from unsterilized equipment
I was reminded of it by word "epinosic" meaning both "unhealthy" and "unhealthful".
Also: Epinosic - The psychoanalytical term for secondary gain.