Hello there,
It is now the end of June and my first day attempting to figure out how to use this forum. I stumbled across it quite by accident this morning, and in the process, came across the bird chats. I have recently moved to a new neighborhood (one which is on the local city crow ' fly-way' ) and I have over the past few months become a full fledged crow lover. We walk together along the beach at dawn each day and often around the local pond in early evening.
I have had some of the most incredible crow related experiences and would love to talk with someone who is interested . . .especially if you have crow knowlege to share.
You will have to be as patient with me though, as crow-mother's are with their young . . . I am finding it a bit difficult to find my way through the new terminology and directions.

O.K,, test time . . .can anyone out there see me?

Linda in Vancouver