good point, Musick! i was always interested in words, but i do clearly remember the first time i heard the lyrics to to the musical Hair and learned the words cunnilingus and felatio!

words only have power if we give them power. if we are shocked, we put it off and say the word was shocking, as was the F*** word, in Norman Mailers The Naked and the Dead-- an other eye opener for me, back in those days.

it wasn't that i hadn't heard the word or used it, it was i just had never seen it in print, being used as casually as the or it.

nowdays, i realize, i temper my language to the occation. i don't use F*** in general company that finds it offensive,(and some here, politely, have said they do) or at work or a string of other places. but i certainly know the word, and use!

I do find ethic slur words to be much more offence than the common four letter words, or any of the words that where originally posted. i never minded much if my kids said S*** or F***, but the N word (and even saying that is painful) or other ethic words, like Micky, or paddy or donkey, (all used to demean the irish) are much more offensive to me.

I self censor, but i don't much hold with being censored, or censoring. I want to be able to decide for myself what words i want to include in my lexis.

i trust other hear to do the same, (and for the most part we have). if they don't, i can stop posting here, or i can learn to deal with it, or i can ignore the offensive posts. but i don't feel i have a right to censor others posts. (but i don't think any did censor Dr. Bill, in this case it was self censorship.)