(p.178) A govn of engranyt claith right gaily furrit.
A ring with a ryall stane or oyer riche iowell.
Or rest of his rousty raid yoght he wer rede wod
For all ye buddis of iohne blunt quhen he abone clymis.
Me think ye baid deir aboucht sa bawth ar his werkis
And yus i sell him solace yoght i it sour think
Fra sic a syre god zow saif my sueit sisteris deir.
Quhen that ye semely had said hir sentence to end.
Than all yai leuch apon loft with latis full mery
And raucht ye cop round about full off riche wynis
And ralzeit lang or yai wald rest with ryatus speche
The wedo ye toyir wlonk warpit yer wordis.
Now fair sister fallis zow but fenzing to tell.