Ain't listed in OneLook! No wlonk!

I think wlonk is the only word there that's not a word.

murnival turned out to be any set of set matching cards in the game of gleek, which is a word, too, but not on the list.

Edit: zeme ain't in OneLook either.
Edit 2: glusk ain't either

A long wavelike ridge of snow, formed by the wind and found on the polar plains. That's sastruga. Wonder what a long wavelike ridge of snow would be called on plains not polar?

A mop for sweeping ovens; a maulkin. = a scovel. I don't sweep my oven. Guess that's why I've never heard of a scovel. I suppose we're talkin' very large ovens here--perhaps one's fired up by Fish's phoenix.

Another Edit: Cottobus is only listed on Onelook in a Britannica reference. There are two types of Cottobus, but the first is worth quoting here since it appears that this ancient game was a strange game--sinking saucers with wine. Now how was this done? Did the Greeks spit wine into the saucers or did they take handfuls and toss the wine at the saucers? I mean, I've heard of bobbing for apples, but sinking saucers with wine? Strange game. Here's from the Britannica link:

"COTTABUS (Gr. i Various modifications of the original principle of the game were gradually introduced, but for practical purposes we may reckon two varieties. (I) In the Kbrra/3os & 6~vl36.4we shallow saucers (6~i,~3a4ia) were floated in a basin or mixing-bowl filled with water; the object was to sink the saucers by throwing the wine into them, and the competitor who sank the greatest number was considered victorious, and received the prize, which consisted of cakes or sweetmeats."