Try some of these to start:

45. marinaceous
46. catamaran
47. Weltanschauung
48. Heiligedankesang
49. andropexy

50. lithotripsy
51. lithorrhaphy
52. lithotomy
53. arthrognathous
54. hydrospeleology

55. manticore
56. magniforence
57. xysma
58. nictation
59. comprobity

60. micturition
61. parturition
62. hamartation
63. zygoma
64. afformation
65. astrologous

None of them is in our esteemed local spell-checker, but that doesn't help much either way...

EDIT: Sorry, I took your initial post to be a suggestion "let's make up some words." I withdraw the list. Maybe a second round, later.