I stumbled on an abandoned word site, in which real words and made-up words were mixed.
I thought it might be fun to have members try to separate the real words from the fakes.
I don't know which are which. The game could start by anybody posting a list of the fake
words, and seeing if other members agree that they are fake.

1 Shroff 2 snead 3 geat 4 cerumen 5 lanose 6 infangtheof 7 cresset 8 zurf 9 sanies 10 uliginose

11 Swoopstake 12 looby 13 wlonk 14 oxyurous 15 eupatrid 16 ulatrichi 17 thalloid 18 sastruga 19 notornis

20 Scovel 21 ustulation 22 pernio 23 baubee 24 glusk 25 salacacabia 26 guimpe 27 loco-foco 28 modesty

29 Nosema 30 cottabus 31 jequirity 32 cypripareunia 33 zeme 34 manille 35 temulent 36bagasse

37 Gonotheca 38 afflatus 39 holothurian 40 sulcate 41 stringhalt 42 latticinio 43 gosport 44 murnival

So, lets see lists of the numbers of fake words, and some arguments about which are fake.