Thank you, CK, for your caring and concern about an event that happened in a country that isn't yours. I haven't posted this until now because I didn't want to break in on the humor--which was really funny. I found it interesting that the thread jumped immediately to humor and stayed that way for so long. I wonder if this is an example of us avoiding coming face to face with something that has caused, and will continue to cause, extemely strong negative feelings. I continue to hear, as I did 50 weeks ago, that so-and-so can't bear to see it again and again; and I think of all the people who HAVE to confront it again, day in and day out, one way or another. I ache for them--for all of us, really. And so on one hand, I feel that it is unfair of me to turn off the sight that brings the pain; and yet, who will it really help if I do force myself to watch it? I have no answer.

tsuwm, thank you for that article. I have seen the towers in movies, etc., and that does cause a wince. We rented the movie Collateral Damage a couple of weeks ago; it was eerie. Schwartzenegger came on in a clip at the end to say that they had decided the release of the movie would have to be postponed. I think it had been due to come out in October 2001.