Brother Bill,
Fish and the boys have offered a practical solution to the unprecedented arrogance of those who feel that they own the internet and can impose whatever impediments or disruptions on we interneters at their whim. If someone behaved in this manner on a city bus they would be kicked in the balls.

A class action lawsuit is the only permanent solution. Sue everyone who violates our freedom of access to the information flow of the internet. Sue Bill Gates, his acts of possessive arrogance constitutes personal invasion too.
I hate lawyers, so if they won't take our class suit pro bono, we'll sue them too.

As for your daughter, send her a written letter demanding the return of your credit card. And if she doesn't comply, we'll sue her too.

Now on to other business : Bill everyone knows that you can't buy the Brooklyn Bridge. You can only lease it. Now I've got a deal...
We form a leasing corporation at three hundred dollars a share. You can be CEO. Well, the devil is in the details, but anybody with three hundred dollars in their pocket can see that we can make millions and millions in tolls alone, not counting food and drink concessions...Oops, me and my big mouth , I'll give you the particulars later by PM.

Trust me,
PS: We could even rename it "The William W. Hunt Crossbay Bridge". Whata ya think?