Hey, I've got a great word that everybody should know--and it's in all dictionaries--and I just learned it. And it's a neat word. But I may be last to know it and everybody already knows it. However, if most of you don't know it, we could play it. It's a word that looks like a word that everybody already knows, but its meaning is different from what I expected it to mean.

So, I'm going to write it here below, and, if it's a word that all of you definitely already know the definition of--come on, don't look it up!!!--then just laugh me out of Dodge. But don't assume you definitely know the definition, unless you definitely know its definition. Here's the word and I'll duck for cover if everybody already knows it:


If many of you don't know what it means, then we'll play, ok? And you can send (PM) your fantasized definitions to Wordwind.

Best regards,

Important P.S.:

If a few of you know what it means, just write here that you know, but don't give it away because there may be a lot of people out there who don't know what it means, and we can play. That would work, wouldn't it?