Nixon was perhaps the best President of the second half of the 20th century vis-a-vis foreign policies. ~ TEd

Exception please. Nixon was the BEST president of the 20th century. Not only in matters of foreign policy, but in domestic affairs as well.

Tricky Dick (only a long haired, knee-jerk, commie pinko would call him "Trickie Dickie") was a common man born out of the great american experiment.
His worth as this country's leader will probably never be known to history.
You had to be there, you had to be there with a mind that thought, and not with a mind that thought with trite chants and inane slogans.

Out of the mouths and minds of babes at that time came baby talk. And, God help us, the world listened.

"Better Red Than Dead", they said. "Free the Jackson Five" (?)
"Ho! Ho! Chi Minh" "Kill the Pigs" they said.

Damnit to hell, those simple minded, dope smoking, sloganeers almost ruined this country by not giving us a contiguous generation with minimal cognition to whom we could pass the baton of civilization.

But where are they today? Well, some have transfigurated into aging bankers, real estate salesmen, and, ugh, lawyers, but some have not gone gently into that goodnight, and still mouth apologies for the sins of Che Guevera and pine away for the quaintness and wonderful romance of communistic life. Geez!

McCarthy was a jerk but the commies were real.

Eisenhower was a nice man. His opinion of Nixon was one of distaste, not of revulsion.

Dominos fell after the fall of Viet Nam. Two million dead Cambodians can't be wrong.

But where were the hippies, where were the protests in the streets? Well by then the hippies had moved on. Southeastern asia, you see, was no longer the vogue, now our friends the hippies were out and about and busy... saving the habitat of the wee snail darter.

. () PEACE