interesting savages !

good grief, what century are we living in? ! ~ etaoin

Apparently one without humor.

Mmmm? Now wait just a minute. These are hypothetical Indians! These are MY hypothetical indians and I want them to plunder, ravage and rape. If you want nice indians, etaoin, go get your own, and then maybe some sharp honkys like faldage can trick them out of their moccasins and Manhattan, and then this brave new century can put faldage in jail along with the rest of the CEO's, and then make restitution for Manhattan, and then buy wing-tip shoes for all of the Indians, no matter what race, creed, or color.

And now I want everybody to stand up and hug yourself, because you, and I mean that we-ly, are sensitive and kind and will fight to the bitter end until we, together, cleanse this world of ugly name-calling.

And as for you of troy,( by the way thanks for kinda coming to my defense awhala go. I owe you one. I think. ) what's wrong with Huns? All Huns weren't bad. There were little baby Huns, sweet grandmother type Huns, and thoughtful Huns that forgoed meat for organically grown veggies without the need of man-made salt.

Are we to believe that these sweet people sacked Central Europe? I think not!