When I was young I was a member of a street gang of intellectual hoodlums who, after a hard night of breaking into parking meters, would sit in cars with our intellectual chicks, around our secluded garbage dump, drinking nickels and nickels worth of cheap beer, and asking each other weighty questions in order to determine the order that we were to be pecked.

One pseudo-intellectual puzzle that I thought cool was one that some of you might remember, it goes something like this...

There are two tribes of Indians, the Blackfeet and the Whitefeet. The Whitefooted indians never lied, and the Blackfooted indians never told the truth. Both tribes, however, always kept their feet covered, and the conundrum was to determine which one of these interesting savages was which. But, and here's the catch, only by asking them questions about their feet.

I think you got as many questions as you needed to make a determination. Anyone remember the game and want to play?

I think the method was rather simple.
I will now try to remember what it was.
I hope I got the instructions right.

Milum the Hun.