Verlangen, your moniker resembles the name of the trendy practice in France (known as "Verlan") of reversing the order of spoken words, for example, "jourbon" instead of "bonjour". For those curious about "Verlan", here is an explanation from the New York Times (Aug. 17): "a popular slang called Verlan in which standard French spellings or syllables are reversed or recombined, or both.

Thus the standard greeting ''Bonjour, ça va?'' or ''Good day, how are you?'' becomes ''Jourbon, ça av?'' ''Une fête'' (a party) has become ''une teuf''; the word for woman or wife, femme, has become meuf; a café has become féca; and so on. The word Verlan itself is a Verlanization of the term l'envers, meaning ''the reverse.''