I found the CD. I did web research yestiddy.

A) The good news is they have a translation in the booklet with the CD. The bad news is it's in French. I'll be better off translating the Latin. Or either I could transcribe the French in here and get one of y'all to do the dirty work for me.

2) The whole ut re mi thang came from the fevered brain of an Italian monk in the 11th century. Apparently he wrote the words and/or music for the purpose of coming up with the scale note names. But. He only took it as far as la. This is where I start getting confused. Some German dude in the 16th century decided that ut was too hard to sing so he changed it to do. And. In one version of the story he changed si to ti and in another version he added the si/ti.

So there you have it.